書籍編號 主類別 次類別 作者 譯者 英文書名 中文書名 版次 出版地區 出版社 出版年份 外借中
450 P2 BLA Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Blaker, Karen Born to Please: compliant women/controlling men New York St. Martin's Press 1988
450 P2 LEM Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Leman, Kevin The Pleasers: women who can't say no and the men who control them New Jersey Fleming H. Revell Company 1987
450 S1 BAU Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Suicide 自殺 Baucom, John Q. Fatal Choice Chicago Moody Press 1986
450 S1 BLA Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Suicide 自殺 Blackburn, Bill What should Know about Suicide Dallas Word Publishing 1990
450 S1 CAR Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Suicide 自殺 Carr, G. Lloyd After the Storm: hope in the wake of suicide England InterVarsity Press 1990
450 S1 HEW Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Suicide 自殺 Hewett, John H. After Suicide Philadelphia The Westminister Press 1980
450 S1 KEI Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Suicide 自殺 Keir, Norman I Can't Face Tomorrow: help for those with thoughts of suicide and those who counsel them England Thorsons Publishing Group 1986
450 S1 QUI Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Suicide 自殺 Quinnett, Paul G. Suicide: the forever decision New York Continuum Publishing Company 1992
450 S1 ROB Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Suicide 自殺 Robinson, Rita 胡洲賢 譯 Survivors of Suicide 他走了,不是你的錯 - 破除自殺迷思,讓他們的親友放下憤怒、內疚與哀傷 台北 麥田出版 2013
450 S1 TOW Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Suicide 自殺 Townsend, Loren L. 鄧英偉 譯 Suicide: pastoral responses 妥善處理自殺個案 香港 基道出版社 2009
450 S1 WHI Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Suicide 自殺 White, John The Masks of Melancholy England InterVarsity Press 1985
460.1 GIL Developmental Psychology-General 發展心理學綜論 Aged 年老 Gilbert, Chris & Watt, Glenda Coping with Aging Parents Edinburgh Macdonald Publishers 1983
460.1 GRE Developmental Psychology-General 發展心理學綜論 Aged 年老 Gress, Lucille D. & Bahr, Sister Rose Therese The Aging Person: a holistic perspective Missouri The C.V. Mosby Company 1984
460.1 GRU Developmental Psychology-General 發展心理學綜論 Aged 年老 古倫神父、吳信如 合著 吳信如 譯 Die hohe Kunst des Alterwerdens 擁抱老年心生活-散發智慧馨香的年歲足跡 二版 台北 南與北文化出版社 2015
460.1 GRU Developmental Psychology-General 發展心理學綜論 Aged 年老 古倫神父、吳信如 合著 吳信如 譯 Geistliche Begleitung Im Alter 樂活銀髮,力要從「心」-長者心靈陪伴與自我關顧實用手冊 台北 南與北文化出版社 2015
460.1 HUT Developmental Psychology-General 發展心理學綜論 Aged 年老 Hutchison, Frank Aging Comes of Age: older people finding themselves Louisville Westminister/John Knox Press 1991
460.1 MAC Developmental Psychology-General 發展心理學綜論 Aged 年老 Mace, Nancy L. & others The 36-Hour Day fifth impression London Hodder and Stoughton 1990
460.1 NOU Developmental Psychology-General 發展心理學綜論 Aged 年老 Nouwen, Henri J.M. Aging: The Fulfillment of Life 流金歲月 - 圓滿人生 重譯版 香港 基督教文藝出版社 2009
460.1 OWE Developmental Psychology-General 發展心理學綜論 Aged 年老 Owens, Virginia Stem If You Do Love Old Men Grand Rapids William B. Eerdmans Publishing 1990
460.1 SKI Developmental Psychology-General 發展心理學綜論 Aged 年老 Skinner, B.F. & Vaughan, M.E. 全映玉 譯 How to Enjoy your Old Age 如何享受老年 台北 遠流出版事業 1994