書籍編號 主類別 次類別 作者 譯者 英文書名 中文書名 版次 出版地區 出版社 出版年份 外借中
450 A4 SCH Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Addiction & Drugs 沉溺與毒害 Schock, Harold D. "Once a Drug Addict….." Hong Kong Tien Sao Publishing House 1988
450 C1 ART Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Codependency 依賴 Arterburn, Stephen Addicted to 'Love' Guildford Eagle 1991
450 C1 BEA Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Codependency 依賴 Beattie, Melody Codependents' Guide to the Twelve Steps London Judy Piatkus Publishers 1990
450 C1 ELL Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Codependency 依賴 Ells, Alfred One-way Relationships Nashville Thomas Nelson Publishers 1990
450 C1 HEM Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Codependency 依賴 Hemfelt, Robert & others Love is a Choice Eastbourne Monarch 1990
450 C1 HEM Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Codependency 依賴 Hemfelt, Robert & others Love is a Choice Workbook Nashville Thomas Nelson Publishers 1991
450 C1 KAT Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Codependency 依賴 Katz, Stan J. & Liu, Aimee E. The Codependency Conspiracy New York A Time Warner Company 1991
450 C1 MEL Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Codependency 依賴 Mellody, Pia & others Facing Codependence San Francisco Harper & Row Publishers 1989
450 C1 OHL Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Codependency 依賴 Ohlemacher, Janet Desperate to be Needed Grand Rapids Zondervan Publishing House 1990
450 C1 RYA Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Codependency 依賴 Ryan, Dale & Juanita 容玉潔、陳兆儀譯 Recovery from Codependency 衝破牽累 香港 學生福音團契出版社 1993
450 C1 SIL Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Codependency 依賴 Silvious, Jan Please Don't Say You Need Me Grand Rapids Zondervan Publishing House 1989
450 C1 SPR Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Codependency 依賴 Springle, Pat Close Enough to Care Houston and Dallas Rapha Publishing/Word, Inc 1990
450 D1 ADA Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Divorce 離婚 Adams, Jay E. 馮錫剛、沈強 譯 Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the Bible 婚姻輔導學 台北 大光書房出版部、榮耀出版社 1988
450 D1 BRO Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Divorce 離婚 Brock, Anita Divorce Recovery: piecing together your broken dreams Texas Worthy Publishing 1988
450 D1 KEE Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Divorce 離婚 Keener, Craig S. …And Marries Another Peabody Hendrickson Publishers 1992
450 D1 KIL Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Divorce 離婚 Kilgore, James E. Try Marriage Before Divorce Second Edition Waco Word Books 1984
450 D1 KNO Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Divorce 離婚 Knorr, Dandi Daley Splitting Up Illinois Harold Shaw Publishers 1988
450 D1 MOO Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Divorce 離婚 Moorehead, Bob Before You Throw in the Towel Dallas Word Publishing 1992
450 D1 SAN Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Divorce 離婚 Sandvig, Karen J. Adult Children of Divorce Dallas Word Publishing 1990
450 D1 THO Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Divorce 離婚 Thompson, David A. Counseling and Divorce Dallas Word Publishing 1988