書籍編號 主類別 次類別 作者 譯者 英文書名 中文書名 版次 出版地區 出版社 出版年份 外借中
450 A1 SEL Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Abortion 墮胎 Selby, Terry L. & Bockmon, Marc The Mourning After: help for the postabortion syndrome Grand Rapids Baker Book House 1990
450 A1 SPR Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Abortion 墮胎 Sproul, R.C. Abortion: a rational look at an emotional issue Colorando NavPress 1990
450 A1 STA Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Abortion 墮胎 Stanford, Susan M. Will I Cry Tomorrow? New Jersey Fleming H. Revell Company 1986
450 A1 WEN Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Abortion 墮胎 Wennberg, Robert N. Life in the Balance Grand Rapids William B. Eerdmans Publishing 1985
450 A1 柯 Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Abortion 墮胎 柯志明 等著 墮胎議題面面觀 台中 財團法人中華基督教路加傳道會 2008
450 A2 JOR Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Abuse & Sexual Crime 性侵犯與性罪行 Jorgensen, E.Clay Child Abuse: a practical guide for those who help others New York Continuum Publishing Company 1990
450 A2 KUB Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Abuse & Sexual Crime 性侵犯與性罪行 Kubetin, Cynthia A. & Mallory, James Beyond the Darkness Dallas Word Publishing 1992
450 A2 MAR Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Abuse & Sexual Crime 性侵犯與性罪行 Martin, Grant L. Counseling for Family Violence and Abuse Dallas Word Publishing 1987
450 A2 TRU Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Abuse & Sexual Crime 性侵犯與性罪行 Trust, Doreen Help for Victims of Crime and Violence England Thorsons Publishing Group 1989
450 A2 VRE Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Abuse & Sexual Crime 性侵犯與性罪行 Vredevelt, Pamela & Rodriguez, Kathryn Surviving the Secret New Jersey Fleming H. Revell Company 1987
450 A2 WHI Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Abuse & Sexual Crime 性侵犯與性罪行 White, John 羅燕明 譯 Breaking the Stranglehold of Sexual Sin 還我本性 - 衝破性罪的捆鎖 香港 突破出版社 1994
450 A2 WYR Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Abuse & Sexual Crime 性侵犯與性罪行 Wyre, Ray & Swift, Anothony Women, Men & Rape London Hodder and Stoughton 1990
450 A3 JOH Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Alcoholism 酗酒 Johnson, Vernon E. I'll Quit Tomorrow Revised Edition San Francisco Harper & Row Publishers 1980
450 A3 PAR Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Alcoholism 酗酒 Parker, Christina B. When Someone You Love Drinks Too Much: a Christian guide to addiction, codependence & recovery San Francisco Harper & Row Publishers 1990
450 A3 WIL Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Alcoholism 酗酒 Wilson, Sandra D. Counseling Adult Children of Alcoholics Dallas Word Publishing 1989
450 A4 CLE Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Addiction & Drugs 沉溺與毒害 Cleave, Stephen Van & others Counseling for Substance Abuse and Addiction   Dallas Word Publishing 1987
450 A4 ESC Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Addiction & Drugs 沉溺與毒害 Eschner, Kathleen Hamilton & Nelson, Nancy G. Drugs, God & Me Colorado Group Books 1988
450 A4 FIS Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Addiction & Drugs 沉溺與毒害 Fish, Melinda When Addiction Comes to Church New Jersey Fleming H. Revell Company 1990
450 A4 HOD Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Addiction & Drugs 沉溺與毒害 Hodgkinson, Liz Addictions: what they are - why they happen - how to help Wellingborough Thorsons Publishing Group 1986
450 A4 RYA Ethics-General 倫理綜論 Addiction & Drugs 沉溺與毒害 Ryan, Dale & Juanita 黃元林 譯 Recovery from Addictions 沉溺得脫 香港 學生福音團契出版社 1992