書籍編號 主類別 次類別 作者 譯者 英文書名 中文書名 版次 出版地區 出版社 出版年份 外借中
416 CLE Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Pastoral Preaching 牧養宣講 Clemons, James T. Sermons on Suicide Louisville Westminister/John Knox Press 1989
416 HUG Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Pastoral Preaching 牧養宣講 Hughes, Robert A Trumpet In Darkness: preaching to mourners Philadelphia Fortress Press 1985
416 RIC Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Pastoral Preaching 牧養宣講 Richmond, Kent D. Preaching to Sufferers Nashville Abingdon Press 1988
416 RIC Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Pastoral Preaching 牧養宣講 Richmond, Kent D. A Time to Die: a handbook for funeral sermons: includes sample sermons for different funerals Nashville Abingdon Press 1990
416 SAN Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Pastoral Preaching 牧養宣講 Sanford, John & Sanford, Paula Healing The Wounded Spirit Logos Bridge Publishing 1985
417 SEA Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Perfectionism 完美主義 Seamands, David A. Freedom from The Perfomance Trap Wheaton SP Publications 1988
417 WAL Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Perfectionism 完美主義 Walters, Richard Escape the Trap: help for perfectionists and those who live with them Grand Rapids Zondervan Publishing House 1989
421 BOU Health, Sickness & Death 健康、疾病與死亡 Health & Sickness 健康與疾病 Bouma, Hessel & Diekema Douglas & others Christian Faith, Health, & Medical Practice Grand Rapids William B. Eerdmans Publishing 1989
421 BRA Health, Sickness & Death 健康、疾病與死亡 Health & Sickness 健康與疾病 Brand, Paul 楊腓力、高慶辰 譯 In His Image 神的形象 台北 校園書房出版社 1987
421 BRA Health, Sickness & Death 健康、疾病與死亡 Health & Sickness 健康與疾病 Brand, Paul 楊腓力、吳文秋 譯 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made 神的傑作 台北 校園書房出版社 1987
421 BRI Health, Sickness & Death 健康、疾病與死亡 Health & Sickness 健康與疾病 Bringle, Mary Louise Despair: sickness or sin? Nashville Abingdon Press 1990
421 GRA Health, Sickness & Death 健康、疾病與死亡 Health & Sickness 健康與疾病 Granberg, Karin~Michaelson In The Land of the Living Grand Rapids Zondervan Publishing House 1984
421 JAM Health, Sickness & Death 健康、疾病與死亡 Health & Sickness 健康與疾病 James, Joan 黃莉莉 譯 Make Me Whole 內在醫治 台北 大光文字團契出版部、榮耀出版社 1990
421 JOH Health, Sickness & Death 健康、疾病與死亡 Health & Sickness 健康與疾病 Johson, Paul & Richards, Larry Spiritual Secrets to Physical Health Waco Word Books Publisher 1987
421 LLO Health, Sickness & Death 健康、疾病與死亡 Health & Sickness 健康與疾病 Lloyd-Jones, Martyn D. Healing and the Scriptures Nashville A Division of Thomas Nelson Publishers 1982
421 SIE Health, Sickness & Death 健康、疾病與死亡 Health & Sickness 健康與疾病 Siegel, Bernie S. 邵虞 譯 Love,Medicine & Miracles 愛●醫藥●奇蹟 台北 遠流出版事業 1994
421 WRI Health, Sickness & Death 健康、疾病與死亡 Health & Sickness 健康與疾病 Wright, Linda, Raney Hope For the Sick and Hurting Nashville Thomas Nelson Publishers 1990
422 CRA Health, Sickness & Death 健康、疾病與死亡 Psychological Health 心理健康 Cramer, Raymond L. 鄭慧玲 譯 The Psychology of Jesus & Mental Health 耶穌的心理學與治療 台北 中國主日學協會 1985
422 FER Health, Sickness & Death 健康、疾病與死亡 Psychological Health 心理健康 Ferrucci, Piero What We May Be: Techniques for Psychological and Spiritual Growth Through Psychosynthesis New York G.P. Putnam's Sons 1982
422 HAR Health, Sickness & Death 健康、疾病與死亡 Psychological Health 心理健康 Hart, Archiald D. 林慧卿 譯 Habits of the Mind: ten exercises to renew your thinking 優質思考 台北 中國主日學協會 2006