書籍編號 主類別 次類別 作者 譯者 英文書名 中文書名 版次 出版地區 出版社 出版年份 外借中
411 WIL Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Burnout 耗盡 Willimon, Willam H. Clergy and Laity Burnout Nashville Abingdon Press 1989
412 COR Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Leadership & Supervisor 領導及督導 Cornwall, Judson 林約翰 譯 Profiles of a Leader 領導者的剖析 台北 以琳書房 1988
412 D'SO Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Leadership & Supervisor 領導及督導 D'Souza, Anthony 藍慈理 譯 Leading Effectively 成功的領導 - 認識自我 台北 校園書房出版社 1991
412 D'SO Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Leadership & Supervisor 領導及督導 D'Souza, Anthony 恩邑 譯 Being a Leader 領袖私塑造 - 認識你的夢想 台北 校園書房出版社 1991
412 GRU Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Leadership & Supervisor 領導及督導 Grun, Anselm 吳信如 譯 Menschen Fuhren Leben Wecken 領導就是喚醒生命 - 靈性化的生命力領導 台北 南與北文化出版社 2011
412 MYR Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Leadership & Supervisor 領導及督導 Myra, Harold Leaders: learning leadership from some of Christianity's best Carol Streal Word Books Publisher 1987
412 REN Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Leadership & Supervisor 領導及督導 Ren, Jeremy 吳約瑟 譯 Seek Your Philosophy of Ministry 找到你的事奉哲學 基隆 傳愛家族傳播文化有限公司 2014
413 BER Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Hurt & Stress 傷害與壓力 Berry, Carmen Renee When Helping You is Hurting Me New York Harper & Row Publishers 1988
413 FOY Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Hurt & Stress 傷害與壓力 Foyle, Marjory F. Honourably Wounded: stress among Christian workers Marc Evangelical Missionary Alliance, BMMF Interserve & 1987
413 GRE Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Hurt & Stress 傷害與壓力 Greenfield, Guy 林映君 譯 The Wounded Minister 受傷的牧者 台北 中華福音神學院出版社 2009
413 MCL Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Hurt & Stress 傷害與壓力 McLaren, Brian D. 凌琪翔 譯 A New Kind of Christian 新品種的基督徒 台北 校園書房出版社 2005
413 RAS Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Hurt & Stress 傷害與壓力 Rassieur, Charles L. Stress Management for Ministers: practical help for clergy who deny themselves the care they give to others Philadelphia The Westminister Press 1982
414 QUI Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Management 管理 Quinnett, Paul G. On Becoming a Health and Human Services Manager: a practical guide for clinicians and counselors New York The Continuum Publishing 1989
414 WIL Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Management 管理 Wilson, Marlene How to Mobilize Church Volunteers Minneapolis Augsburg Publishing House 1983
415 ASH Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Prayer 禱告 Ashwin, Angela Prayer Without Pretending Ann Arbor Servant Publications 1990
415 DEL Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Prayer 禱告 Bene, Ron Del & Mary & others Into the Light: a simple way to pray with the sick and the dying Nashville The Upper Room 1988
415 PAY Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Prayer 禱告 Payne, Leanne The Broken Image Westchester Crossway Books 1981
415 WIM Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Prayer 禱告 Wimberly, Edward P. Prayer in Pastoral Counseling Louisville Westminister/John Knox Press 1990
415 WUE Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Prayer 禱告 Wuellner, Flora Slosson Prayed Stress & Our Inner Wounds Nashville The Upper Room 1985
416 CAP Hospital Chaplaincy 醫院院牧服侍 Pastoral Preaching 牧養宣講 Capps, Donald Pastoral Counseling and Preaching: a quest for an integrated ministry Philadelphia The Westminister Press 1980