

「香港基督徒醫生及牙醫團契」(Hong Kong Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship)
「香港基督徒醫生及牙醫團契」(Hong Kong Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship 下稱「團契」),有感於教牧同工在教會及機構中事奉,盡心竭力,經常忙得不可開交,有時連有病看醫生的時間也付不上。若是小毛病還可以熬過去,但若有甚麼重一點的病,失診做成的後果可以是十分嚴重的。
參與「醫牧」的醫生本著愛神和愛人的原則,以專業來服侍人。在醫療方面,會提供一個高水平、負責任的專科醫療服務;在收費方面,以不牟利為原則,以使求診者在經濟上的負擔減到最低。在 2009 年起,參與醫牧的醫生共有 33 位,有內科、外科、腎科、心臟科、骨科、腦科、眼科、耳鼻喉科、兒科、精神科、婦產科、牙科、全科、家庭醫學專科等。「醫牧」會繼續邀約基督徒醫生參與。
凡願意參與「醫牧」的教牧,只要透過「聯會」網頁下載申請表格,填妥後傳真或電郵致聯會,經批核後,「團契」會向每一位參加者(教牧及其家屬)發出証件。不收任何費用 。
  • 在香港教會/機構服侍的全職教牧同工(包括未按立為牧師的宣教師或傳道人。)
  • 退休牧師/退休教牧同工 (只接受退休前已參加醫牧計劃之申請者)
  • 在香港的神學院中全職任教之講師
  • 在香港的神學院中全時間進修教牧課程之神學生 (只接納香港神學教育協會轄下的神學院就讀之神學生)
  • 從香港差派出去的宣教士
  • 全職院牧同工
  • 所有參加者的配偶及21歲以下子女亦可申請參加
由於不同的病症和病情,都會引致不同的醫療程序,因而亦會有不同醫療成本,「醫牧」只提供一般門診或專科門診服務。至於進行手術及住院服務等,則要另作處理,惟醫生會按情況給予優惠。「醫牧」範圍: 1. 牙科醫生的一般檢查及治療、如:洗牙、補牙及拔牙等。 但不包括矯齒、假牙等 。 2. 專科及普通科門診及一般藥費。(大小手術及住院治療則不包括在內) 查詢:香港醫院院牧事工聯會 2339 0660(梁小姐)
WordPress Responsive Table




The Hong Kong Christian Medical & Dental Fellowship (hereinafter referred to as the Fellowship) has been concerned with the health maintenance of the pastoral staff ministering in church and organization. It is not unusual to find a pastoral staff in his/her demanding ministry not being able to get medical treatment at times of physical illness. What may appear to be minor illness can sometimes lead to a more serious health crisis if the symptom is ignored or overlooked.

In reality, however, there is a dilemma in getting specialized medical services: Either a long waiting time for public service or a high charge for private service. The members of the Fellowship are thankful to God for granting us opportunities to serve the society; and they want to show their gratefulness to their ministers for their pastoral and spiritual care. We also believe that better monitoring of their health is a great blessing of the churches.

Therefore, the Fellowship joins hands with the Association of Hong Kong Hospital Christian Chaplaincy Ministry (AHKHCCM) in this MBSCPS project.


Service members of the MBSCPS are committed to serving the pastoral staff with professionalism and in Christian love. We will provide high quality and responsible specialized medical service. We operate under the non profit-making principle. As of 2009, we have a total of 32 medical doctors participating as service members. Their specializations are dentistry, internal medicine, surgery, general practice, nephrology, cardiology, E.N.T, ophthalmology, orthopedics, neurology, paediatrics, gynaecology, psychiatry. We will invite more Christian doctors to join in as our fellow service members.


All serving outlets are members of the Fellowship. Any pastoral staff who wishes to join the MBSCPS can register through the AHKHCCM. After an applicant's status has been verified, we will issue a MBSCPS card and send the MBSCPS doctors' list to him/her and his/her family members. No fees will be charged for registration.

  • Full-time pastoral staff of Hong Kong churches / Christian organizations.
  • Full-time teaching staff of Hong Kong seminaries.
  • Full-time students of Hong Kong seminaries.
  • Missionaries.
  • Full-time Hospital chaplains
  • Participants' spouse and children who are under 21 years of age.

The scheme covers general consultation and medications only. In case of need for surgery and hospitalization, the rate and charges have to be discussed with the doctors/dentists. The coverage of MBSCPS is as follows:

‧general dental examination and treatments, such as teeth cleaning, filling, and extraction, but not include orthodontic and denture. ‧Specialized and general outpatient services and treatments, not including major and minor surgery as well as hospitalization.

Enquiry : AHKHCCM 2339 0660 (Miss Hilda Leung)

WordPress Responsive Table


The Hong Kong Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship (CMDF) was established in 1975. The fellowship is composed of Christian medical doctors and dentists, who aim to strengthen their faith through fellowship; to excel in their medical profession as witnesses of Christ; and to serve people.

The Association of Hong Kong Hospital Christian Chaplaincy Ministry Ltd . was established in 1989. Its mission is to support chaplaincy ministry in hospitals. It is engaged in enhancing the development of Hong Kong hospital chaplaincy services, integrating resources of local churches and local hospitals, and upgrading the quality of medical services. The Association is committed to ‘Holistic Healing & Health’.

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