書籍編號 主類別 次類別 作者 譯者 英文書名 中文書名 版次 出版地區 出版社 出版年份 外借中
403 ADA Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Adams, Jay E. The Christian Counselor's Manual: the practice of nouthetic counseling Grand Rapids Zondervan Publishing House 1973
403 ADA Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Adams, Jay E. Competent to Counsel: introduction to nouthetic counseling Grand Rapids Zondervan Publishing House 1970
403 ADE Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Aden, Leroy & Ellens, Harold J. The Church and Pastoral Care Grand Rapids Baker Book House 1988
403 AND Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Andersen, Oivind 周天麒 譯 Counselled by Jesus 奇妙策士-耶穌對人的輔導 台北 大光文字團契出版部、榮耀出版社 1984
403 AND Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Anderson, Rays E. Christians who Counsel: the vacation of wholistic therapy Grand Rapids Zondervan Publishing House 1990
403 AUG Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Augsburger David Caring Enough to Hear and be Heard Scottdale Herald Press 1982
403 BEN Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Benner, David G. Strategic Pastoral Counseling: a short-term structure model Grand Rapids Baker Book House 1992
403 BEN Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Benner, David G. 陳永財 譯 Strategic Pastoral Counseling: a short-term structure model 策略性牧養輔導 - 一個短期而有系統的模式 香港 基道出版社 2005
403 BEN Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Benner, David G. 尹妙珍 譯 Care of Souls: revisioning Christian nuture and counsel 心靈關顧 - 修正基督徒的培育和輔導觀念 香港 基道出版社 2002
403 BOB Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Martin & Bobgan, Deidre How to Counsel from Scripture Chicago Moody Press 1985
403 BOC Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Bockelman, Wilfred Finding the Right Words Minneapolis Augsburg Fortress 1990
403 BRI Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Brister, C.W. 蔡志強、陳秀慧 譯 Pastoral Care in the Church 教會中的牧養關顧 台北 中華福音神學院 2006
403 BUT Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Butler, Sarah A. 陳永財 譯 Caring Ministry: A Contemplative Approach to Pastoral Care 默默相伴 - 給關顧者的指引和默想操練 香港 基道出版社 2004
403 CAP Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Capps, Donald 李金好 譯 Living Stories: pastoral counseling in congregational context 鮮活故事 - 教會裏的牧養輔導 香港 基道出版社 2006
403 CAP Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Capps, Donald 譚偉光 譯 Reframing: a new method in pastoral care 易構-牧養關顧的新方法 香港 基道出版社 2005
403 CAR Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Carlson, David E. Counseling and Self-Esteem Dallas Word Publishing 1988
403 CHI Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Childs, Brian H. Short-Term Pastoral Counseling: a guide Nashville Abingdin Press 1990
403 CLI Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Clinebell, Howard Basic Types of Pastoral Care & Counselling Nashville Abingdon Press 1984
403 CLI Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Clinebell, Howard 伍步鑾 譯 Basic Types of Pastoral Care & Counselling 牧養與輔導 四版 香港 基督教文藝出版社 2004
403 COL Care & Counseling 關顧與輔導 Pastoral Counseling 教牧輔導學 Collins, Gary R. Can You Trust Counselling? Illinois InterVarsity Press 1988