書籍編號 主類別 次類別 作者 譯者 英文書名 中文書名 版次 出版地區 出版社 出版年份 外借中
600 關 Spiritual Formation 靈命塑造 關俊棠 從割裂到圓融的生命境界 香港 宗教教育中心 2021
700 HAU Pastoral Theology 教牧神學 Hauerwas, Stanley & Vanier, Jean 陳永財 Living Gently in a Violent World 暴力世界中的溫柔 香港 基道出版社 2012
900 BEN Reference Book 督導書籍 Benefiel, Margaret & Holton, Geraldine ed. The Soul of Supervision: Integrating Practice and Theory New York Morehouse Publishing 2010
900 BER Reference Book 督導書籍 Bernard, Janine M. & Goodyear, Rodney K. 王擇青等 Fundamentals of Clinic Supervision 臨床心理督導綱要 Third Edition 北京 中國輕工業出版社 2005
900 BOI Reference Book 督導書籍 Boisen, Anton T. Out of The Depths New York Happer & Brothers, Publishers, New York 1960
900 CAB Reference Book 督導書籍 Cabot, Richard C. & Dicks, Russell L. The Art of Ministering To the Sick New York The MacMillan Company 1936
900 COL Reference Book 督導書籍 Coll, Regina Supervision of Ministry Students Minnesota The Liturgical Press 1992
900 COR Reference Book 督導書籍 Corey, Gerald Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy Sixth Edition California Brooks-Cole Thomson Learning/Wadsworth 2001
900 COR Reference Book 督導書籍 Corbett, Lionel 楊娟等 The Soul in Anguish : Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Suffering 受苦的靈魂:從深度心理學看痛苦的經驗與轉化 台北 心靈工坊 2023
900 EKS Reference Book 督導書籍 Ekstein, Rudolf & Wallerstein, Robert S. The Teaching and Learning of Psychotherapy Second Edition New York International Universities Press, Inc. 1972
900 ERF Reference Book 督導書籍 Erford, Bradley T. 陳增穎 40 techniques every counselor should know 40個諮商師必知的諮商技術 台北 心理出版社 2017
900 FAL Reference Book 督導書籍 Falender, Carol A. & Shafranske, Edward P. 高慧芬 Clinical Supervision : A Competency-Based Approach 臨床督導-專業知能本位督導模式 台北 心理出版社 2007
900 HAW Reference Book 督導書籍 Hawkins, Peter & Shohet, Robin 王文秀等 Supervision In The Helping Professions 助人專業督導 台北 學富文化事業有限公司 2003
900 HOL Reference Book 督導書籍 Holloway, Elizabeth L. 王文秀等 Clinical Supervision 臨床督導工作的理論與實務 台北 張老師文化事業 1999
900 HUN Reference Book 督導書籍 Hunter, George I. Supervision and Education -Formation for Ministry Massachusetts Episcopal Divinity School 1982
900 KLE Reference Book 督導書籍 Kleinman, Arthur 卓惠 The Illness Narratives : Suffering, Healing and the Human Condition 談病說痛 : 在受苦經驗中看見療癒 台北 心靈工坊 2020
900 MUE Reference Book 督導書籍 Mueller, William J. & Kell, Bill L. Cpoing With Confict - Supervising Counselors and Psychotherapists New York Appleton-Century-Crofts 1972
900 POH Reference Book 督導書籍 Pohly, Kenneth Transforming the Rough Places Second Edition Tennessee Providence House Publishers 2001
900 ROG Reference Book 督導書籍 Rogers, Carl R. 鄧伯宸 A Way of Being 存在之道 台北 心靈工坊 2023
900 SCH Reference Book 督導書籍 Schon, Donald A. The Reflective Practitioner New York Basic Books 1983