書籍編號 主類別 次類別 作者 譯者 英文書名 中文書名 版次 出版地區 出版社 出版年份 外借中
440 S2 FLA Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Stress 壓力 Flannery, Raymond B. Becoming Stress-resistant New York Continuum Publishing Company 1990
440 S2 HAR Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Stress 壓力 Hart, Archiald D. Adrenalin & Stress Dallas Word Publishing 1991
440 S2 HAR Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Stress 壓力 Hart, Archiald D. 陳柳惠容 譯 Adrenalin & Stress 壓力、健康與平安 香港 浸信會出版社 1991
440 S2 KEL Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Stress 壓力 Keller, Philip W. Taming Tension Grand Rapids Baker Book House 1979
440 S2 LAH Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Stress 壓力 LaHaye, Tim How to Manage Pressure before Pressure Manages You Grand Rapids Zondervan Publishing House 1983
440 S2 NAR Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Stress 壓力 Narramore, Clyde M. & Ruth E. How to Handle Pressure Illinois Tyndale House Publishers 1978
440 S2 OGI Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Stress 壓力 Ogilvie, Lloyd J. 邱珍琬、洪心怡 譯 Making Stress Work for You 了解壓力摒藋}自我 台北 中國學園傳道會 1988
440 S2 SWI Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Stress 壓力 Swindoll, Charles R. Stress Fractures: biblical slints for everyday pressures Portland Multnomah Press 1990
440 S2 WOO Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Stress 壓力 Woolfolk, Robert L. & Lehrer, Paul M. Principles and Practice of Stress Management New York The Guilford Press 1984
440 S3 BEK Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Beker J. Christiaan 曾淑儀 譯 Suffering and Hope 苦難與盼望 香港 基道書樓 1992
440 S3 BIE Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Biebel, David B. If God is so Good, Why do I Hurt so Bad? Colorando NavPress 1989
440 S3 BON Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Bonar, Horatius When God's Children Suffer New Canaan Keats Publishing 1981
440 S3 CAR Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Carson, D.A. How Long, O Lord? Grand Rapids Baker Book House 1990
440 S3 CLA Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Clarkson, Margaret 張敬德 譯 Destined for Glory: the meaning of suffering 神預定得榮耀的人 - 受苦的意義 香港 福音出版社(香港)有限公司 1986
440 S3 DAV Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Davis, Creath Lord, If I Ever Needed You. It's Now! Grand Rapids Baker Book House 1990
440 S3 HEW Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Heweton, David Why does a Good God Allow Suffering? Sutherland Albatross Books Pty 1992
440 S3 KRE Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Kreeft, Peter Making Sense Out of Suffering Michigan Servant Books 1986
440 S3 MAE Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Maes, John L. Suffering: a care giver's guide Nashville Abingdon Press 1990
440 S3 MAR Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Martin, James Suffering Man, Loving God: reflections and prayers for those who hurt New York Harper & Row Publishers 1990
440 S3 SIM Life & Emotion-General 生活與情緒綜論 Simundson, Daniel J. 李永成 譯 Where is God in my Suffering? ?在那裏? 香港 道聲出版社 1991